Where can I find instructions for two-factor authentication to the Registrars' website? - Knowledgebase / Become registrar - Support Portal | Registry Services

Where can I find instructions for two-factor authentication to the Registrars' website?

Updated 14 May, 2020

Instructions for getting started with two-factor authentication on the registrars' website (registry.se)

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is mandatory to log in to the registrars' website. The first time a web user logs in the following steps must be completed. 

  1. Start with downloading the Authy app, Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator or similar to your smart phone. These three apps are free and can be downloaded from your phone’s app store. 
  2. Go to the login page on the registrar website, https://registry.se 
  3. Fill in the username and password for the registrars' website. If you received a personal user account, enter the login details associated with that account. 
  4. Click on "Log in". 
  5. A page with the QR code and a code field will be displayed. 
  6. Open the app you have chosen to download in step 1 on your mobile phone. Scan the QR code that is shown on the page. The account will been added and you can now retrieve authorization codes via the app. 
  7. Fill in the code as shown in the mobile phone in the code field on the web page. 
  8.  Click on "Send". 
  9. You are now logged in and can access the website’s services. 

Continue logging in by filling in the username and password for the registrars' website on the login page. A page to fill in the authorization code will be displayed in the app. Click “Send” and log in. 

If you want to have more user accounts for the registrars' website please email registry@internetstiftelsen.se, make sure the email comes from your administrative contact email address. In the email, you need to enter the first and last name, as well as the email address of the person to which the account will apply.