The release will occur after a domain name has been deactivated for 60 days and additionally has been in quarantine for 7 days. (The deactivation period is concluded by the domain name being deregistered and the quarantine period is concluded by the domain name being released on the release date.)
The release date must not be confused with the deletion date, since these are two different matters.
After a domain name is placed in quarantine, it is considered the property of Registry Services thus the domain name cannot be reclaimed by the original registrant.
When a domain name is deactivated, it is given a deletion date and a release date additionally the domain name and the release date is included on a list of domain names that may become available. The list is published on The Swedish Internet Foundation's website. The domain names are not released in the alphabetically order in which they are listed in the file on The Swedish Internet Foundation's website - the domain names will be released in random order.
A domain name is released no earlier than 4:00 a.m. UTC on the same date as the release date.