- If a domain name has been registered (or renewed) for a multiple-year period, what about the Expiry date if the domain is transferred to another registrant (change of holder)?
- Can a change of holder be combined with a change of registrar?
- How shall a change of domain holder be performed, and who can request it?
- What applies when the holder has ceased to exist (for example bankruptcy)?
- How will the original registrant be informed that a change of holder has been performed?
- Which characters are allowed in a .se or a .nu domain name?
- What are the implications of a registrant registering through what is known as a proxy company instead of using his/her own information?
- How can I check if a domain name is free or not?
- Can Registry Services help a registrant complete a new registration?
- Can you register a domain name on a samordningsnummer?
- How do you perform a change of registrar?
- What is an authorization code?
- What happens if the authorization code is misused?
- How long is an authorization code valid in the event of changing registrar?
- Can Registry Services help a registrant with change of registrar (transfer), or provide an auth code?
- If requested, can Registry Services move a domain's deactivation date forward to prevent deactivation?
- Can Registry Services upon request reregister a domain that is in quarantine?
- Can we deregister a domain name if the registrant has failed to pay?
- Can a registrant regain a domain name if the registrant regrets the deregistration?
- What is the procedure for deregistration?
- Can Registry Services help a registrant implement a redelegation (nameserver management)?
- Is it necessary for the nameservers to respond correctly when registering?
- How, and when, verifies redirection of newly registered domain?
- What happens with the host objects at change of registrars (transfer)?
- Can a registrant change an IP address on a registrar’s nameserver?
- What measures can be taken to correct an inaccurate organization number?
- Can Registry Services forward a message to a domain holder whose contact information is not visible in the Whois?
- Can Registry Services help a registrant update contact information?
- Isn’t there a risk that the quality of the register will decline after multipleyear payment is implemented?
- How are address updates handled?
Sep 9, 2024