What formats are expected for submitted regsitrant information? - Knowledgebase / Tech / Miscellaneous tech - Support Portal | Registry Services

What formats are expected for submitted regsitrant information?

Updated 15 Dec, 2024

Organization number

Below are examples of different countries' organization number formats. This list may be updated over time.


 Organization number

Personal identity number



 8 digits





 9 digits


12 digits




 9 digits


11 digits




CHE + 9 digits




Every Swiss company has a business identification number. This UID can be requested online.

The number always consists of the prefix “CHE” and a 9-digit number containing a control number. For example, “CHE987654321” or "CHE-112.007.423".


 9 siffror (Siren) och 14 siffror (Siret)





 8 digits



 KVK number



 1 letter + 5 digits





 11 digits



 The codice fiscale for entities (business, foundations, etc.) is a random number assigned by the Italian Tax Office.



 10 digits



 KRS number




 8 digits



 ICO number




 9 digits





 9 digits (ACN) or 11 digits (ABN)







 8 digits




 Ett typiskt CRN består av åtta siffror (nummer) eller, i vissa fall, av två bokstäver följda av sex siffror.

