- When does Registry Services send EPP messages?
- What does the EPP message look like that the EPP server sends to the leaving registrar during Registrar Transfer?
- What does the EPP message look like that the EPP server sends to the receiving registrar during a Registrar Transfer?
- What does the EPP message look like that the EPP server sends if the domain expires or is deactivated?
- What does the EPP message look like that the EPP server sends if a domain or a contact is deleted?
- How do we reach your EPP servers?
- Where can I read more about your EPP servers and special requirements?
- Your EPP-servers sends tags with “dom”, “con” and “hos” instead of “domain”, “contact” and “host”. Isn't that wrong?
- Is a client certificate required to connect to your EPP servers?
- We need to upload (or renew) our EPP production server certificate, how do we do that?
- What formats are expected for submitted regsitrant information?
- Could there be any maintenance windows scheduled that may affect the registry system?
- Which certificates can I use?
- Does Registry Services have a function to bulk update domains?
- How to make a redelegation without loss of DNSSEC protection?